Physical Wellness

We define physical wellness as recognizing the need for physical activity, proper nutrition, sleep. This includes the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. The ability to recognize that our behaviors have a significant impact on our wellness and adopting healthful habits (routine check ups, a balanced diet, exercise, etc.) while avoiding destructive habits (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.) will lead to optimal Physical Wellness.


Tips for optimal physical wellness:

  • Stay physically active: exercise daily
  • Monitor stress levels and practice regulating chronic stress
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Eat a variety of healthy foods and control meal portions
  • Prevent injuries by using seat belts, wearing helmets, and other protective equipment
  • Learn to recognize early signs of illness and prevent diseases
  • Seek care if ill or injured
  • Practice safe sex, if sexually active
  • Use alcohol in moderation if at all
  • Quit smoking or continue to refrain from smoking and protect yourself from second-hand smoke.